john fellows

The Friday Review: Human Target
14th September 2001
While Hollywood churns out increasingly formulaic blockbuster fare, comics can provide twice the punch with a fraction of the budget, as Milligan and Biukovic's modern classic HUMAN TARGET proves.

Travelling Man: An Interview With Rick Smith
13th August 2001
Comics newcomer Rick Smith has begun one momentous journey after only just completing another, as he chronicles his Middle Eastern adventures in a web comic. Ninth Art caught up with Rick to discuss his journey, and his attempts to widen the comic book audience.

The Friday Review: Scene Of The Crime
10th August 2001
"A Little Piece of Goodnight" is that rare throwback - a genuine detective comic from Detective Comics. It's also a crime noir with a heart that isn't totally black. John Fellows looks a little closer.

Hit Back: A Hitman Retrospective
23rd July 2001
PREACHER got the glory, but HITMAN had the real guts, argues John Fellows, looking back over the sixty issues of Garth Ennis' other magnum opus.

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